Our Wonderful Team
Friendly and knowledgeable accounting services and business advice
Amy Beecroft
Having studied Accountancy and Law at university I went on to do my training contract with a local Sussex firm before moving on to become the Audit Department Manager at another regional practice. During both of these jobs I learnt the solid basics of accounting and tax for small businesses and individuals, spent time as a temporary finance director, managed audits of significant companies and charities and learnt what good customer service really looked like. I set up the firm at the end of my maternity leave in 2011 and have grown the practice in line with my family, as they have grown so has my available time and therefore so has our client base.
I really care about providing good, accessible, understandable business advice and compliance to owner managed businesses and private individuals.
Outside of work and family you can find me watching almost any sport going or reading a book in the bath with a G&T!

David Beecroft
David is FCA he has over 20 years of both practice and industry experience across a wide variety of sectors but in particular the healthcare and construction sectors. He also happens to be my husband! Not only does he make an excellent cup of tea, he is a tax whizz, has a brilliant attention to detail and is very diligent.
Gaby Tester
Gaby is the brilliant admin support behind my practice. Gaby is an experienced PA and, along with being a mum to her 3 kids, keeps me on track with letters of engagements, client authorisations, information editing, Companies House filing and general deadline chasing. She is also the mastermind behind the newsletters! She’s an invaluable help within the practice.